Class Tree Planting

The class tree planting dates back to the 19th century as a time-honored tradition of memorializing and celebrating the graduating class. Navigate this page to learn more about UConn's class trees.

Two office of Sustainability students pose with Jonathan XIV, UConn's mascotSam Kocurek (2023) hangs a green ribbon on the London Plane tree along Hillside Road. The north parking garage can be seen in the background.Office of Sustainability Intern, Sam Kocurek (2023) and University Tree Warden, Eileen McHugh stand in from of McHugh Hall during the Earth Day Spring Fling eventStudents add mulch over prayer/wishes at the Class Tree Planting. Wood Hall can be seen in the backgroundFive students add mulch over prayer/wishes at the Class Tree Planting. The Benton Museum can be seen in the backgroundUniversity Tree Warden, Eileen McHugh hosts the Arboretum Committee Booth at the Earth Day Spring Fling Event. Four student are writing their prayers/wishes on paper to be added below the mulch of the newly planted Class Tree